Friday, October 30, 2009

Things are changing

I have not updated this since August 09 and yet it seems like an eternity. But, in perspective to God's time it has only been a few minutes. I am reminded that change is inevitable, God loves change. We as a people not so much. We tend to prefer no ripples in the pond, keep things simple and just the way they were. The problem with this attitude is that when we stay there too long we become something else....complacent. This is defined as: pleased, esp. with oneself or one's merits, advantages, situation, etc., often without awareness of some potential danger or defect; self-satisfied: smug, unbothered, untroubled. I don't know about you, but I find that very troubling and not a place I care to be. When we become so set in our ways that we lose awareness of potential dangers. This is true in our everyday life as well as our spiritual life. Because we know according to the Word of God that Satan goes about like a roaring lion seeking whom he may destroy. But, if we are daily putting on the armor of God and are vigilantly alert then we can use the shield of faith to stop any arrows that the devil will try to hurl at us. The key of course is that we absolutely must allow God to work in us and through us because we cannot do it alone. We can do all things through God who strengthens us. Not my words, but Gods. So remember when you are feeling down feeling like you just can't handle don't have to, turn it over to God let Him carry the burden and trust that He will not only provide a means for you to make it, but He will protect you from the devil. Let me know what you think or if you have any comments.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Shining Lights

Your eye is the lamp of your body. Luke 11:34

Many commentators see a Hebrew idiom in this verse: "a good eye" refers to generosity and "a bad eye" refers to stinginess. Others broaden the image to include truth and purity on the positive side, covetousness and lust on the negative. No matter how one takes the symbolism, Jesus is clear: What our eyes see -what we strive for and what we take in - is important. The conduct of your eyes, literally and figuratively, with regard to money and other human passions, determines to a large degree the amount of light we receive from God.
Just as light allows us to see into once-dark places, our eyes allow us to understand who we really are in the depths of our souls. If your eyes take in the true light that comes from God- His Word and the glory of His gospel in Christ - we see well. There is clarity and wisdom that can only come from seeing things as God sees them. But if our eyes consume garbage-the cravings of sinful man and the pride of sel-indulgence-then we see ourselves in the dark, obscurely and distortedly, if at all. What we choose to see has a lot to dow ith whether we are walking in God's light and whether we are shining His light for others to see.
Joyful generosity is a clear indication that one is walking in the light. So are purity and God-directed desires. Stinginess, self-indulgence, and impure vision are likewise clear indications that one is NOT walking in the light. And all of these are cultivated by what we choose--and refuse--to see.
With what do you feed your soul? Can you set it on a stand for others to see? One of a Christian's greatest struggles is trying to see it all-we become confused and divided. Do we gaze on light, darkness, or both? If you really want to know, do an inventory of things that fill your eyes, metaphorically speaking. Is your vision occupied with money? lustfulness? selfish extravagance? If so, be careful for what you see. Purify you sight, and let your light shine.

William Secker said, "The body has two eyes, but the soul must have but one."

Friday, July 10, 2009

The Perfect Storm

Several years ago a movie came out that told about how despite warnings an experienced group of fishermen went out with their trawler and died in what was termed a 'perfect storm'. Weather patterns converged to create a storm of the century. For the last several years another type of perfect storm has been forming in the economic world. Our former treasury secretary Alan Greenspan warned us several times during the 90's and early in this decade of what he termed 'irrational exuberance'. A better term for this might have been drunken stupor. We were drunk on making money based on speculation and the lie that the party would never end. It seemed a few years ago that just about everyone I knew was "dealing". Not drugs mind you but real estate. People kept asking me if I was investing in real estate. I told them I knew nothing about it and even if I did had no money to invest anyway!One major lie can lead to a massive collapse of what you and I build our lives on. The assumption in our economy was thay everyone should live the American dream and own their own home. Trouble was that if you are irresonsible and don't know how to work hard and save that the home you own was really a scam. A huge ponzi robbery scheme developed where everyone put their hand in the cookie jar of real etate. People just didn't take what wasn't thiers.... they assisted in stealing our entire nations future for a party built on lies.The way home from this hangover will take decades not years. A surgery won't cure it. A bail out won't cure it. A change in governments won't cure it. A change of heart and behavior will. But even repentance and a change in lifestyle will need to be walked out one step at a time. It will take years of accountability and commitment to live the old fashioned way of "pay as you go".Until recently 70 percent of our nations economy was built on consumer spending. Trouble is we spent 130 percent of what we made. That is we OVERSPENT big time. Now the bubble is burst and even massive printing of fake money from the U.S. government cannot sustain a lifestyle built on lies. We have a unique opportunity to do the right thing and quit the easy temptation to believe more lies. The voices will continue to call to you and me: eat, drink and be merry for tomorrow we die. Don't buy this lie from hell.Let's live a life of meaning and service to something that goes way beyond selfish pleasure. When we seek first the kingdom of God all we really need wil be provided. What we don't need will fall away as our hearts change and pure joy is given from the inside out.

Sunday, June 28, 2009

The Power of Music

You know some people are so blind as to how powerful music really is. Satan was pretty much the greatest worship leader ever at one point. He was the worship leader in Heaven for all the angels. His problem was that began to think that he was as good and eventually thought that he should be above God. Satan has continued to use music to this day to bring people down the wrong path.
Having said this, I am definitely not saying that all music is bad, infact quite the opposite. The reality is that the same thing that Satan did in Heaven is what he continues to do to this day and that is to twist something that is wonderful and designed by God. Satan's tricks are new, he just continues to disguises them. Music is something that is wonderful and powerful, but like anything that is created for God we have the choice to use it for good or bad. Words play a significant part in music. I have heard countless people tell me that "I love the music, but I have not really listened to the words" or "there just words.." Both of these are really dangerous ways to think and here is why: I found 23 verses in the Bible that talk about the significance of words. Not to mention..John 1:1 which says that in the beginning was the Word...
- Words have the ability to build up or destroy. A saying that I absolutely cannot stand is "sticks and stones will break your bones, but words will never hurt me." Really, what a lie. I have a friend that I grew up with that had to listen everyday as his parents told him he would never amount to anything and that he was a loser. I tried to tell him to not base who he is or was going to be on what they said, but eventually he began to get in trouble and slipped further and further into problems. He would simply tell people that he was living up to what was expected.
Statistically we have the potential to effect atleast 5-10 people who are close to us with the words that we chose. We can edify their lives and speak life into them by speaking about Christ or we can destroy them and tear them down by speaking negatively.
A Christian rock band that was very popular in the 80s had a song that said, "computers brains put garbage in, computers brains put garbage out." This is so true only we get it from movies, books, our peers and most definitely music and video games. If God thought that words were important enough to be called the Word of life, shouldn't we choose to life and speak it into the lives of others? The more that I listen to gospel, praise and other types of Christian music, I chose my music carefully because I want to be more Christ-like so that others will see Him in me. I pray that you will too.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Controling the Tongue

Usually if we speak without thinking it leads to trouble. The Bible is very clear regarding our tongue. It is referred to as a rudder that can guide us safely or into harms way. When I am tired or have a lot on my mind, I tend to forget and the very essence of my humanity seeps out of my pores like a river. Paul stated that his spirit was willing, but his flesh was weak. It is those very times that I am trying to train myself to be on my guard to not allow my tongue to engage before thinking. But as with many of you, I am a work in progress. I have not come close to mastering this one yet, probably won't until I get to heaven. But, I know that I can improve and so can you all. I come back to one of my favorite scriptures time and again in relation to many issues or situations: Eph 1:18-20 "I pray that your hearts will be flooded with the light so that you can understand the wonderful future he has promised to those he called. I want you to realize what a rich and glorious inheritance he has given to his people. I pray that you will begin to understand the incredible greatness of his power for us who believe him. This is the same mighty power that raised Christ from the dead and seated him in the place of honor at God's right hand in the heavenly realms."
Remember afterwards, that grace is in place if you are a believer.
- Prov 10:12 "love covers all offenses..."
- I Pet 4:8 "love covers a multitude of sins.."
Love is a wonderful and powerful thing. It is defined as the ultimate expression fo God's loyalty, purity and mercy extended toward his people and it is to be reflected in human relationships of brotherly concern, martial fidelity and adoration of God.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Lesson Learned at Burger King

So here goes. I have been out of work since April 2, 2009, but that is okay because God has been calling me to something more. A few months after that I surrendered to be in full-time ministry. Do I know if that is going to happen now or, but God called and I listened which is a good thing. God desires those who will dillengently seek Him. I can honestly say that my lovely wife and I have not needed anything. God has provided for us everything that we need.
I met my wife and some friends at the hospital today as another of our dear friends got to celebrate the beginning of life as they brought little Riley Thomas into the world. I didn't really get to stay long this time but my friends (the parents) looked exhausted and it was definitely time for them to get some much needed rest. So we stopped at Burger King on the way home and talked with another good friend for some time while we waited for the downtown traffic to decrease. Near the end, I went to buy a medium shake and get my wife a free burger that we had won with a pull off of her soda. Well the manager accidently gave me the shake free instead of the burger. When I mentioned it she said do not worry about it, it is okay. So I have $1 left and I put it in my pocket from the savings. We leave go out into our vehicles (me in our SUV) and my wife and another friend in our car. A man approaches me and asks if I could help him get some dinner at BK. Now, I know that some of you at this point are saying...I don't like to give money out because I don't know where it goes. But, here is something for you...First, we don't actually have any money because it all comes from God and we are only getting a chance to hold what God gives us. This should help those of you who have any angst about that. Second, God calls us to give and not just give, but give joyfully. The widow in the Bible gave one mite, which is not much monatarily, but it is all she had and she gave it without reservation.
Okay, back on track...I told then man that I only had $1 (what had been left over). I gave it to him and he went inside. I drove off thinking God thank you that you continue to bless me and my wife inspite of me being..well me. God's grace is truly awesome. Here is where the real lesson kicked in God spoke to me and said, I have been blessing you and and you have continued to bless others because you gave all you had to someone you did not know. God said in His Word that when we give to the least of them that we are giving as if it was to Him! I may never see that man again, but I did what God wanted me to do and I hope you do the same. Your situation may arise differently because God loves to work differently in each situation, but the important thing is that we are always willing to do and go when He calls!
Until the next lesson, I hope you all have a blessed and wonderful day in the name of the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords...Jesus Christ!