I don't normally post this type of blog, but I am working with a group called Buzz Plant. They sent me a book and a daily planner to review and tell what I thought. I am not obligated in any way to provide a positive review. The book and the planner were provided free to me to review.
After reviewing the book and the planner for several weeks, I have found that this combination by Allyson Lewis is actually not your ordinary run of the mill planner. It is not simply a step by step, do this and you will be organized combination. She provides a refreshing and humorous way for anyone, no matter what they do help organize their life. She also does not lose sight of providing the knowledge and methods along the way to accomplish getting organized. I believe that you will be amazed and just how easy it is. I am not someone who believes anything simply because someone says it, I am a firm believer in trying it out and verifying the information.
I did exactly as the book suggests, I spent just 7 minutes a day trying to help organize my life and I found it actually quite fun and it reallyhttp://www.the7minutelifesystem.com has helped me along the way! If you have any questions, please feel free to check it out for yourself at: http://www.the7minutelifesystem.com for more information.
Here are also 7 videos you can review to learn more about the system: http://www.the7minutelifesystem.com/videos
I highly encourage you whether you are someone who is highly organized or someone desiring to be more organized to check it out and try for yourself! Allyson Lewis actually makes it fun to get organized.
I would love to hear your comments and your feedback as well.